
it is considered to be the most popular water sport in the world.

The Best Surfing Brands

Maybe, very few people remember that around 5 decades ago, surfing did not use to be as popular as it is now. Yes, there was a very small amount of people who used to practice surfing and they were usually considered crazy or weird. However, it was then when surfing suddenly started to increase its popularity and more and more people fell in love with it. So it was that way how surfing reached the popularity, it has got now: by the way, it is considered to be the most popular water sport in the world.
But exactly as everything popular, surfing became commercialized. The reason is that the businesspeople always think of new ways to earn money and when they see, there is a new opportunity, they do not wait too long before they grab it. So, it is not surprising that many investors set up their own companies so that they produce surfboards and other surfing equipment. Some of those investors are the owners of the most famous surfing brands in the world.
There is no doubt that you know which the best surfing brands are. Yes, it is really difficult not to know them since they are being advertised all the time and everywhere- on the TV, radio, billboards and so on. But there is something else which needs to be discussed- is it right to spend so much money just because a particular good is of any renowned and famous brand?
According to the marketing experts, the most popular surfing brands cost 300% on average. What does that mean? For example, if you find out an ordinary surfboard, it will probably cost around $150. However, if you like a surfboard of any particular brand that is renowned all over the world, it will probably cost like $500. Yes, there is a huge difference, don't you think so?
Anyway, there is a question which you are probably asking yourself: Why is that difference? Yes, it is absolutely normal for you to be asking yourself a question like that! Basically, the reason's name is "brand reputation". You might have been thinking that the equipment of renowned surfing brands is of higher quality and that is actually true but it is not the real reason!
The real reason why the famous surfing brands sell their products at such costs is a marketing term called "brand reputation". Believe it or not, sometimes the brand reputation costs much more than the value of the product, surfing equipment in our case.
So, here is a specific example: Fox Head Europe, without any doubts it is one of the most famous and loved surfing brands in the world. A surfboard bearing that name costs around $400! Anyway, you can find pretty much the same surfboard (without the "amazing" logo) at $100. As you can see, that is nearly 4 times less.
However, the truth is that everybody is supposed to make their decision! Nobody can be forbidden to use the most expensive surfing brands as they can afford them.

