
Ask Your Questions on Arthrotec

Ask Your Questions on Arthrotec

Comments and Questions
I have started using Arthotec in combination with Soma and Ultram. It has had a great effect on my problems. The medicine was effective in controlling my stiffness problems. I have been suffering from the problem of stiffness for some months now. No day is pain free, though. how did this ever pass scrutiny of the powers that be. Crazy side effects. I was hoping this one would do the job. I am back on it now for 1 month after making adjustment to my diet. Prior to that, Arthrotec was the only drug that helped. It has had a great effect on my problems. The medicine was effective in controlling my stiffness problems. I have been suffering from the problem of stiffness for some months now. No day is pain free, though. how did this ever pass scrutiny of the powers that be. Crazy side effects. I was hoping this one would do the job. I am back on it now for 1 month after making adjustment to my diet. Prior to that, Arthrotec was the only drug that helped. :

